How I’m Using Pavlok To Go Back To School (With ConversionXL)


in Habit Change, Productivity

Many of you know that last week was the exclusive launch of Pavlok to a select group of Hack the System readers. So far, the response to our cutting edge technology has been tremendous.

(If you haven’t seen the live in-studio interview I did in Los Angeles that week, check it out here.)

Here’s something interesting: When I first came up with the idea for Pavlok, I thought it would be an interesting novelty device. I mean, who really wants to wear a something that shocks them? It was a fun project, and I was hoping to make it into a viral video and be done with it.

As I started digging into the science behind the device, I realized that there was an incredible opportunity to change lives — and incidentally, shake up the wearables market forever.

But I never thought I’d use it to go back to school.

I’ve tried to do massive open online courses (MOOCs) before. I’ve tried to do “study-as-you-go” learning, and I was never able to focus long enough to finish more than a module or two.

But now, despite running a startup company full time, I’m back in the classroom. The scary part is, it’s never been easier.


That’s me. Actually focused on studying for the first time in years.

No, I’m not working on another degree.

I’m using the Pavlok system to get an edge on my business studying the ConversionXL Conversion Course.

The course is a 12-week, step-by-step course on getting more people to your website, understanding their needs, and turning traffic into customers. It’s really good.

In the past, I’d always wanted to try a class like this. I always knew that I needed it. But I never felt like I had the time or patience to sit down and actually complete it. Now, as part of my daily habits thanks to Pavlok, the work is painless.

One of the highest leverage things you can do for yourself is to build a habit around something that creates more health, money or happiness in your life. In this case, I might be getting all three at the same time.

Side note: If you’re interested in learning the tools and mindset to make any website sell, I highly recommend the ConversionXL Conversion Course.

Check it out and let me know what you think.


James June 7, 2014 at 4:36 pm

You said “despite running a startup company full time.” How long until a “startup” company becomes just a company? I think after a year, the business should get enough respect to be considered more than just the new kid on the block.


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