Take Advantage Of The System: A Free Travel Hacking Report

In less than three months, you could be on a plane to Paris, London, or the UK…for only $40 in taxes.

When you arrive, you’ll have a shiny office waiting for you, with free coffee and Wifi, courtesy of Regus office space.

After traveling for four years, I’ve discovered specific tactics for hacking the system, and I want you to have them.

Get the free report: How to Take Advantage of the System. You’ll get an easy-to-read, step-by-step resource that teaches you to

  • Get a free, international round-trip ticket to Europe or South America (or anywhere else)

  • Get free office space in almost every country of the world.

Just fill in the form below, and you’ll get it in a few moments.

Who am I? I’m Maneesh Sethi, a 24 year old Stanford educated kid from California. who’s been traveling to exotic locations for over four years. Since 2007, I’ve:

  • Lived in and learned the languages of Italy, Spain, Argentina, Brazil, and India.
  • Founded an NGO in India that raised $5000 to build a library and computer lab for a poor village in India. (
  • Had a sandwich named after me in Florence,Italy.
  • Built a completely passive business, outsourced with several virtual assistants, that runs on fewer than four hours of work per week.