How To Get Free Office Space in Every City Of The World

In less than three months, you could be on a plane to Paris, London, or the UK…for only $40 in taxes.

When you arrive, you’ll have a shiny office waiting for you, with free coffee and wifi.

After traveling for four years, I’ve discovered specific tactics for hacking the system, and I want you to have them.

Get the free 9 page report: How to Take Advantage of the System. You’ll get an easy-to-read, step-by-step ten page resource that teaches you to

  • Get a free, international round-trip ticket to Europe or South America (or anywhere else)

  • Get free office space in almost every country of the world.

Just fill in the form below, and you’ll get it in a few moments.


Q: Do I have to be American to get a free office?

A: Nope! The free plane tickets work better for Americans, but the office space is valid for anyone, no matter where you’re from.


Q: What are the hidden costs for the office space? Do I need to buy something, meet a minimum spend, etc?

A: Absolutely not. There is seriously no catch. You get free access to the business lounge, coffee, and wifi, in almost every city.


Q: Why can’t you tell me how to do this in the video? Why do I have to subscriber?

A: I’m giving away a promo code, and I would get in serious trouble from the company if they knew what I was doing. I can’t make this public or I might get sued…


Q: This is cool, but I don’t have a business! Why would I need an office?

A: Many of my friends use this office space just when they have homework to do, or want to get some work done. There are almost definitely offices in your city, so you can try them out from your home. It’s also great for traveling.


Q: I have some more questions. Can you help me?

A: Sure, email me at [email protected] and ask me anything! I’ll be glad to answer.

Get your free office space, anywhere in the world, by signing up below:

Who am I? I’m Maneesh Sethi, a 24 year old Stanford dropout from California. who’s been traveling to exotic locations for over four years. Since 2007, I’ve:

  • Lived in and learned the languages of Italy, Spain, Argentina, Brazil, and India.
  • Founded an NGO in India that raised $5000 to build a library and computer lab for a poor village in India. (
  • Had a sandwich named after me in Florence,Italy.
  • Built a completely passive business, outsourced with several virtual assistants, that runs on fewer than four hours of work per week.