It doesn’t have to be like this


in Make Money

Some days, when I wake up, I feel invigorated, powerful, and ready to make something happen.

But some days, I feel like a waste of blood and flesh. Like I have no purpose, that I’m floundering without meaning through life.

Today is one of those days.

Making a change

I’ve written about expecting failure before, and I know now that days like today will happen. I know that emotional states ebb and flow, and some days will bring feelings of success, and others will bring feelings of failure.

Is there anything that you want to change? Is there anything in your life that you dream of doing?

Maybe you’re tired of your job. Maybe you dream of starting a business. Maybe you dream of being better at talking to people of the opposite sex (The comments on this [recent post] show how common this fear is).

No matter the change you want to make, there is one thing you should know.

It doesn’t have to be like this.

You’re not alone. Whatever change you want to make, there are many other people, just like you. There are people who want to achieve your goals, and there are people who have already done it.

Knowing that you’re not alone is the first step to realizing that a change is possible.

My friend and MasterClass student’s facebook status this morning was moving:

“please like this status if you feel like you have no idea what you’re doing WAY WAY WAY MORE OFTEN than you feel like you have life figured out…people need to 1) know they are not alone and 2) feel better about themselves”

I noticed the dozens and dozens of likes, the deep comments, and I realized that it often seems that everyone else has their life together—but really, deep inside, many of us are striving for meaning.

So, whatever you are trying to do—understand that you can. It’s possible.

If you aren’t happy with where you are, it doesn’t have to be like this.

It’s time to make a change.


samsmd May 1, 2012 at 1:09 pm

I completely agree. Some days I just feel utterly useless. But I am motivated by constantly reminding my self of the endless possiblities of improvement. I’m motivated by my ambitions, people around me and blogs like yours! Great post.


Mike April 27, 2012 at 8:27 am

I started a new job lately and I feel the same way you started off the article off with. Is it just the ebb and flow of life and the human psyche? can anyone really feel fufilled with what they’re doing 100% of the time?


James H. April 27, 2012 at 8:54 am

Very relevant video on feeling alone and angsty from author Mur Lafferty:

h ttp:// gst/

Also, we can commiserate in this feeling, Maneesh. I just finished a long novel draft – right on time to collide with other, personal issues – but knowing that others out there put up with the same, and that a post-project funk is normal, makes a huge difference. Thanks!


Dilanka April 28, 2012 at 2:09 pm

@James: Mur’s stuff is great. Good share.


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